スクエアエンドミル コーナーRエンドミル ボールエンドミル ラフィングエンドミル Vカットエンドミル エンドミル PRICESTAR ドリル チップ 部品・グッズ
驚愕価格のエンドミル プライススター
カタログダウンロード ご利用ガイド 当サイトについて お問い合わせ




Article 1. Membership

1.An individual who applies for membership after agreeing to these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) in accordance with the procedures prescribed by Asahi Shoko Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or "we," as appropriate) is defined as the members (hereinafter referred to as the “Members”).
2.“Member Information” refers to the information regarding the attributes of the ”Members” that the “Members” have disclosed to the “Company” and the history etc of transaction.
3.The “Terms” applies to all “Members” and is to be observed during and after the registration procedure.

第2条 (登録)



Article 2. Member Registration

Customers who have agreed to the “Terms” and applied for membership will be qualified as the ”Members” after completing the prescribed registration procedures.
The member registration procedure must be completed by the person who will be the “Members”.
Registration by proxy is not permitted at all.
In addition, the “Company” reserves the right to deny membership to users whose membership has been revoked in the past or those whom for any reason we deem inappropriate for membership.

2.Entering Member Information
When registering for membership, please read the instructions carefully and enter the required information correctly in the specified input form.
Special symbols, old Chinese characters, Roman numerals, etc. cannot be used in the form. If these characters are used, we will change them.

3.Managing Passwordn
(1)The password provided to the “Members” is for your use only and cannot be transferred or lent to a third party.
(2)You are responsible for managing password such as changing your password on a regular basis in order not to be known to others.
(3)The manifestation of intention made to the “Company” using your password is regarded as the manifestation of your intention, and all payments resulting from it are your responsibility.

第3条 (変更)


Article 3. Change of Registered Information

1.The “Members” shall promptly contact us if there is any change in the name, address or other matters reported to us.
2.We shall not be held liable for any damages incurred as a result of your failing to change to the information that you have registered as the “Members”.

第4条 (退会)


Article 4. Cancelling Membership

If the “Members” wish to cancel the membership, the “Members” himself/herself must complete the cancellation procedure.
You will be withdrawn after completing the prescribed cancellation procedures.

第5条 (会員資格の喪失及び賠償義務)


Article 5 . Revocation of Membership and Liability

1.When the “Members” make a false declaration when applying for membership, neglects to pay the payment for online shopping,or when there are other reasons that the “Company” deems inappropriate as the “Members”, the “Company” shall revoke the membership.
2.When the “Members” conduct any of the following actions, the “Members” will be responsible for the damage incurred by the “Company”.
 (1) Illegal use of membership number and password
 (2)Interfere with our business by accessing this website and falsifying information or, sending or distributing harmful computer programs to this website.
 (3)Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights of the products we handle
 (4)Other acts that violate the “Terms”.
3.If the secretariat can determine that it is fraudulent, mischievous, or invalid, we may delete your account.

第6条 (会員情報の取扱い)


Article 6. Handling of Member Information

1.As a principle, the “Company” will not disclose member information to any third party without the prior consent of the “Members”.
However, in the cases of the following items, the “Company” shall be able to disclose member information and other customer information without the prior consent of the “Members”.
 (1)cases in which the disclosure is required by law
 (2)cases in which we deem that it is necessary to protect the rights, interests, or reputation etc. of the “Company”
2.The member information will be managed by the “Company” in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
The “Company” shall be able to use the member information for the purposes of providing services to the “Members”, improving our services, promoting the use of our services, and ensuring sound and smooth operation of services.
3.The “Company” shall be able to provide the “Members” with information (including advertisements) via email newsletters and other contact methods.
the “Members” who no longer wish to receive information can opt-out of receiving the information by following the prescribed procedure and notifying us.
However, the provision of information necessary to operate this service cannot be suspended at the request of the“Members”.

第7条 (禁止事項)



Article 7. Prohibited Actions

When using the Service, the “Members” are prohibited from

1.Violating any relevant laws and regulations as well as the “Terms”, the cautions for using this service and for shopping through this service, and other terms and conditions of the “Terms”.
2.Engaging in activities that harm the rights, interests, or reputation of the “Company” or third parties.
3.Engaging in activities that adversely affect the mind of youth and that violate public order and standards of decency.
4.Engageing in activities that cause nuisance or discomfort to other users or other third parties.
5.Entering false information purposefully.
6.Sending or distributing harmful computer programs or viruses or emails etc.
7.Engaging in the unauthorized access to our servers and other computers.
8.Lending or transferring the password to a third party, or sharing it with a third party.
9.Engaging in other activities that we deem to be harmful or inappropriate.

第8条 (サービスの中断・停止等)


Article 8. Suspension of Service

1.Upon the occurrence of any of the following cases, the “Company” may temporarily suspend its provision of the Service, either in whole or in part in order to keep the operation of this service in good condition:
 (1)cases in which a scheduled or emergency maintenance operation is conducted on our systems.
 (2)cases in which a system overload occurs, either due to high traffic or otherwise.
 (3)cases in which it becomes difficult to operate the system due to fire, power failure, or sabotage by a third party etc.
 (4)cases in which there are other circumstances under which we deem service suspension to be necessary.

第9条 (サービスの変更・廃止)


Article 9. Changes/Termination of Services

We may change or terminate a whole or part of the service at our sole discretion without prior notice or liability.

第10条 (免責)


Article 10. Disclaimer

1.The “Company” shall not be held liable for any damages that the “Members” may incur arising as a result of system interruption, temporary unavailability, cessation, or loss of data due to technical problems regarding communication lines, computers, etc., or unauthorized access to data.
The “Company” shall not be held liable for any other damages that the “Members” may incur in connection with the service.2.We do not guarantee that the e-mails or contents sent from our website, servers, domains, etc. do not contain harmful items such as computer viruses.
3.The “Company” shall not be liable for any damage that “Members” may incur as a result of the violation of the “Terms” by the “Members”.

第11条 (本規約の改定)


Article 11. Revision of Terms of Use

The “Company” reserves the right to modify the “Terms” and to add new Terms of Use to the “Terms” (hereinafter referred to as the "Additional Terms").
In such case, the modification and addition shall go into effect as soon as they are posted on our designated website.
In this case, the “Members” shall comply with the revised “Terms” and the “Additional Terms”.

第12条 (準拠法、管轄裁判所)


Article 12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the “Company” shall be the exclusive court of first instance with respect to all disputes arising with regards to the “Terms”.